的翻译和歌词 Binary Star ♫ by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Uru

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这篇文章显示 全日本歌词 (带有汉字、平假名和罗马字) 音乐翻译 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These – Kaikou – ♫ Binary Star ♫ 由SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Uru演唱。 此外,您还可以在阅读歌词的同时收听Binary Star。

Binary Star ♫ by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Uru –音乐视频

  • 日本动画片 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These – Kaikou Opening Theme
  • 音乐类型: 特马·德·阿贝图拉
  • 歌名: Binary Star
  • 歌手: SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Uru

Binary Star ♫ by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Uru –日文歌词(汉字,平假名)[歌词]

参见用汉字、平假名和假名写成的日语歌词 [歌词]:

Binary Star ♫ by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Uru –罗马化歌词 –罗马字

An adorable star we can see from afar
But a truth it belies
All who enters her dies
Hear the beating of wings as the pendulum swings

And we can’t believe it’s ever gonna end
You know blood is thicker than water
But you just want everyone to get along
For the candles in the darkness

Burning up the sorrow
There’s no end to sadness
We didn’t learn
For the broken hearted people

Diamonds now surround us
So out of our mind
Leave the past behind

A centrifugal force
Crushing us
Gravity is our eternity
[Full Version:]

An adorable star we can see from afar
But a truth it belies
All who enters her dies
Hear the beating of wings as the pendulum swings

And we can’t believe it’s ever gonna end
You know blood is thicker than water
But you just want everyone to get along
For the candles in the darkness

Burning up the sorrow
There’s no end to sadness
We didn’t learn
For the broken hearted people

Diamonds now surround us
So out of our mind
Leave the past behind
We’re a binary heart

Tear each other apart
Growing from the same stem
They were us. We were them
On a course to collide

Is it strength not to hide?
Let the politics decide you’re not a friend
You know blood is thicker than water
But you just want everyone to get along

For the candles in the darkness
Burning up the sorrow
There’s no end to sadness
We didn’t learn

For the broken hearted people
Diamonds now surround us
So out of our mind
Leave the past behind

A centrifugal force
Pushing us far away
That’s our eternity

We can’t escape the force
Crushing us.
Gravity is our eternity

For the candles in the darkness
Burning up the sorrow
There’s no end to sadness
We didn’t learn

For the broken hearted people
Diamonds now surround us
So out of our mind
Leave the past behind

A centrifugal force
Pushing us far away
That’s our eternity

We can’t escape the force
Crushing us.
Gravity is our eternity

的翻译 Binary Star ♫ by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Uru 中文

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