Tradução e Letra de Rocket Beat ♫ by Kiyono Yasuno

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Hoje nós trazemos para você Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen ♫ Rocket Beat ♫ by Kiyono Yasuno Versão COMPLETA em japonês com letras e tradução da música. Além disso, você também pode ler as letras em hiragana ou romaji e assistir ao videoclipe.

Rocket Beat ♫ by Kiyono Yasuno - Vídeo de música

  • Anime: Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Opening 2
  • Nome da música: Rocket Beat
  • Banda/Cantor: Kiyono Yasuno

Rocket Beat ♫ by Kiyono Yasuno - Letras Japonesas (Kanji, Hiragana) [歌詞]

Veja a letra da música em japonês [歌詞] escrita em kanji, hiragana e furigana:

それは だれもみたことない瞬間しゅんかん




毎朝まいあさ 違うちがうそらいろみたいにね

なんも 驚いおどろいてばかりなの

いまも「いま」は 生まれうまれ続けつづけ




それは だれもみたことない瞬間しゅんかん





一番いちばん大切たいせつなものを いつも 探しさがしてる


Rocket Beat ♫ by Kiyono Yasuno - Letras romanizadas - Romaji

Sore wa dare mo mitakotonai shunkan
Watashi wo ugokasu haato
Shiranai ga ippai
Aru watashi wa hajimetega takusan matteru

Maiasa chigau sora no iro mitai ni ne
Nando mo odoroite bakari na no
Ima mo ima wa umaretsuzukete
Mune nimo omoi wa afuretsuzukete

Sore wa dare mo mitakotonai shunkan
Watashi wo ugokasu haato

Kagayaku mono dakede dekiteiru
Dare nimo hanasenai jibun
Mirai wo mitsukedasu pawa
Ichiban taisetsuna mono wo

Itsumo sagashiteru
Donna to kimo

Tradução de Rocket Beat ♫ by Kiyono Yasuno em português

It’s a moment that nobody else can see,
A heart that moves me
There are so many “things I do not know”,
So there are a lot of “firsts” waiting for me

It seems that there is a different colored sky every morning,
Everything is full of surprises.
Even now, “now” will be constantly reborn
Even in my heart, feelings will constantly overflow.

And then, I’m sure …
It’s a moment that nobody else can see,
A heart that moves me
Made only of things that shine.

A me that nobody else can talk about,
The power to discover the future.
I’m always looking for the most precious thing for me.

There are so many “things I want to know”
So I clung to “the things I love”
Then that night, I realized that it is better to have only one
So I scattered them from my window into the starry sky.

It will be like the sun that shines behind the clouds,
Like the smile you gave me
Someday, I’m sure …
It’s a moment that’s gone in the blink of an eye,

My heart wants to tell you right now.
I will burn it so that it does not disappear again.
A me that no one else knows,
The power to run in the future.

I am always thinking of the most precious person for me.
I do not want to just see the landscape on a screen
(You can feel the world)
I want to feel the wind in my cheeks, feel the world.

A moment that nobody else can see.
A self that can not be replaced by anyone.
A moment that nobody else can catch.
A self that can not be replaced by anyone.

(You are the indicated one)
It’s a moment that nobody else can see,
A heart that moves me
Made only of things that shine.

A me that nobody else can talk about,
The power to discover the future.
I’m always looking for the most precious thing for me.

A heart that moves me
(You are the one)


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Como Aprender Japonês com Música

Você quer aprender japonês usando a música Rocket Beat ♫ by Kiyono Yasuno?

Recomendamos ler nosso guia Aprendendo japonês com músicas. Também recomendamos o vídeo abaixo:

Rocket beat ♫ by kiyono yasuno - letra e traducao de cardcaptor sakura clear card hen opening 2 rocket beat kiyono yasuno 600cb094b57a1