Traducción y Letra de Be Affected ♫ by Takanori Nishikawa

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Esta publicación muestra Las letras japonesas completas (con kanji, hiragana y romaji) Traducción de música Gakuen Basara - ♫ Ser afectado ♫ por Takanori Nishikawa. Además, también puedes escuchar Be Affected mientras lees la letra.

Be Affected ♫ by Takanori Nishikawa - Video musical

  • Anime: Gakuen Basara Ending Theme
  • Tipo de música: Tema de Encerramento
  • Nombre de la canción: Be Affected
  • Cantante: Takanori Nishikawa

Be Affected ♫ by Takanori Nishikawa - Letras japonesas (Kanji, Hiragana) [歌詞]

Vea las letras japonesas [歌詞] escritas en kanji, hiragana y furigana:

Not a thing, not a thing will change in this world

Yourself, others,

And the results are all affected by each other

(which makes the shape of this world)

There’s only one element of your own will

What you have in mind now Your humanity

Do you think they could have (been what they are)

Just scare for now

Yeah uh nah yeah





(No such life that can live by itself

All lives and things are linked with each other

Thanks to this world)

(Yourself and ego are actually being affected)

By what is around making it as what it is now

(Your thoughts, the results that come from it)

They’re gonna be all granted by what is around you


(All) the things in this world

(oh this world)

Being given our lives Being educated

Being fed being fed

Encountering people

They make us what we are today

All being made up by fate

Just scare for now

Yeah uh nah yeah





Be Affected ♫ by Takanori Nishikawa - Letras romanizadas - Romaji

Not a thing, not a thing will change in this world
Yourself, others,
And the results are all affected by each other
(which makes the shape of this world)

There’s only one element of your own will
What you have in mind now Your humanity
Do you think they could have (been what they are)
Just scare for now

Yeah uh nah yeah
Karamiau negai wo koete
Mae ni susumu yuuki wo
Ima tokihanate

(No such life that can live by itself
All lives and things are linked with each other
Thanks to this world)

(Yourself and ego are actually being affected)
By what is around making it as what it is now
(Your thoughts, the results that come from it)
They’re gonna be all granted by what is around you

(All) the things in this world
(oh this world)
Being given our lives Being educated

Being fed being fed
Encountering people
They make us what we are today
All being made up by fate

Just scare for now
Yeah uh nah yeah
Hibikiai tumuida kibou
Mae ni susumu yuuki wo

Ima tokihanate

Traducción de Be Affected ♫ by Takanori Nishikawa em español

Nada, nada cambiará, cambiará en este mundo
Usted mismo, otros
Y los resultados se ven afectados entre sí
(que hace la forma de este mundo)

Solo hay un elemento de tu propia voluntad
Lo que tienes en mente ahora Tu humanidad
¿Crees que podrían haber sido lo que son?
Solo asusta por ahora

Sí uh nah sí
Más allá de los deseos entrelazados
El coraje para seguir adelante
Ahora desatado

(No hay tal vida que pueda vivir por sí misma
Todas las vidas y las cosas están vinculadas entre sí.
Gracias a este mundo)

(Usted y el ego están siendo afectados)
Por lo que está alrededor haciéndolo como lo que es ahora
(Tus pensamientos, los resultados que se derivan de ello)
Todos serán otorgados por lo que te rodea

(Todas) las cosas en este mundo
(oh este mundo)
Recibir nuestras vidas Ser educados

Ser alimentado siendo alimentado
Encuentro con gente
Nos hacen lo que somos hoy
Todo compuesto por el destino

Solo asusta por ahora
Sí uh nah sí
Haciendo eco de la esperanza enérgica
El coraje para seguir adelante

Ahora desatado


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Be affected ♫ by takanori nishikawa - letra e traducao de gakuen basara tema de encerramento be affected takanori nishikawa 600ca27a6c50b